Archive for February, 2009

Washington plugs into the smart grid

In our first event after launching Google’s energy information
campaign, we hosted a joint smart grid event with GE on Tuesday in
Washington DC. Our timing was fortuitous; the event took place just
as President Obama signed an historic economic stimulus bill that
includes $11 billion to modernize the electricity grid.

Welcome to Google’s Energy Information Group

Thanks for your interest in energy information. We think that everyone
should have access to near real-time feedback on energy consumption to
make smarter choices and save energy and money.
Website: [link]
Blog Post: [link]
Here are a few additional resources that you might find useful:

Google Posts Comments on Smart Grid Policy to the California Public Utility Commission

Today, Google submitted comments to the California Public Utility
Commission sharing our perspective that everyone should have access to
their energy consumption information in near real-time and suggesting
a few ideas for how the Commission could encourage the availability of
this information.
Comments: [link]