Archive for February, 2010

European Parliament Debates “Fifth Fuel”

Energy experts speaking at a debate organized by the European Energy Forum said the only way to create true energy efficiency is to establish a smart meter infrastructure that incorporates direct consumer feedback. During the event, which was attended by members of the European Parliament, smart meters and energy efficiency, sometimes called the “fifth fuel,” were the main subjects of discussion.

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IBM Sponsors Rural Smart Grid Summit

Harris M. Warsaw, Vice President, General Business of the Americas for IBM, announced today that IBM will be a title sponsor of the Rural Smart Grid Summit (RSGS) beginning April 26th in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Industry giants using fuel cell tech from Bloom Energy

Bloom Energy, a developer of unique on-site power generations based upon cutting edge fuel cell technology, announced on February 24 that it has signed up several big name customers for its Bloom Energy Server.  Bloom Energy Corporation, based in California’s Silicon Valley, is focused on developing solutions that will transform the way people generate and consume energy.

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Microsoft Looking Forward to Hohm

Microsoft has made the software developer kit for Hohm available to third party device makers and the company anticipates Hohm-enabled devices will be available by this summer. Hohm is an online energy management too that will connect to a number of smart devices such as smart meters, smart plugs, management dashboards and even electric cars. Troy Batterberry, Microsoft’s product unit manager, Microsoft Hohm acknowledged that Microsoft is leaving the door open for a developing a line of branded energy hardware in the future but is currently concentrating on working with third party device manufacturers.

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PG&E Respond to Customer Concerns over SmartMeters

Businesses across California and around the world are laying the foundation for a Smart Electrical Grid, using today’s technology to help keep energy supply and demand in balance and keep everyone’s energy costs as low as possible. Without a more resilient and technologically advanced electrical grid, we will not be able to support the increasing energy demands of the multiple computers and ever-larger TVs we have come to expect, as well as the plug-in cars of tomorrow.

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Axion Power Awarded Grant To Develop Solar Power Storage System

Axion Power International Inc. has been awarded a state grant to develop a renewable solar energy storage system based on its proprietary PbC PowerCube battery technology.

New Partnership Supports UK Rollout

Software AG and Siemens, in conjunction with partners Electralink and eMeter, have developed a demonstration showing how a central communications gateway provides access to and control of smart meters. The demonstration is intended to support the UK Government’s smart grid and smart metering initiatives.

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New Microcontroller Complements Smart Meters

Arm has announced the release of the Cortex M4 microcontroller, which will be embedded into appliances and devices including washing machines, smart meters and audio devices to reduce energy consumption.  The M4 architecture can add more functionality and automate operation of appliances to lower home electricity bills.

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Atlanta firm enters smart grid industry

Atlanta, Georgia-based Navigation Capital Partners (NCP) has acquired Specialized Technical Services, Inc. (STS), a smart grid company focused on upgrades to infrastructure and metering services for utility companies.  NCP is a private equity firm that invests in niche manufacturing, distribution and consulting service companies throughout the United States.

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Thunder Bay Hydro Nears Final SmartMeter Deployments

Ontario’s Thunder Bay Hydro is preparing to implement a new rate plan in 2011 after completing deployment of their new smart meters. So far 48,000 meters have been installed with only 1500 remaining. Tim Wilson, TBH vicepresident of Customer Service and Conservation, says most of the meters waiting to be installed are at indoor locations that require appointments. He also said he expects all the meters to be in by the end of this year.

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