Posts Tagged ‘NAT’

Smart Homes

There are companies that can turn your house into a Smart Home. In a Smart Home you can interact with all connected electrical devices and be in charge of almost everything on remote by pressing a display button or using your cell phone or the Internet.

Smart Homes and energy
Some utility companies have installed devices which enable them to monitor the consumption in real time and their customers can analyze its consumption by using custom-made software on their computer that is connected to the Internet. So far so good, but what I would like to see is exactly what devices in my home that uses how much electricity and when.

IPv6 and NAT
A couple of years ago I read a lot about the new Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6). With IPv6 the amount of IP addresses would get enormous (5^1028) which would make it possible to set an IP number to every electrical device that’s in you home.
For example the TV, DVD, Phones, Home entertainment system, Oven, Refrigerator, Microwave Oven, Lights in every room, Home security alarm system, Carport or anything you could think of. With a connection to each and every one of these devices you will be able to control everything AND maybe also measure it!
The changeover from IPv4 to IPv6 did stagnate because of the development of a new technique making it possible to create several private IP addresses by using a router in a local area network. The router is only using one public address. The technique is called NAT (Network Address Translation).

What I am interested in is also the possibility to measure the consumption used by every unique electrical device in a home and be able to analyse the information. I am certain that it will become real in every home. The question is when? I think within 10 years as standard in new homes.

I will end this post by putting in a commercial video from Houselogix that shows some possibilities for a Smart home. There are several companies on the market. Make a comment to provide us with more links!