Posts Tagged ‘Scandinavia’
Interview with Knut Gustavsen at Tieto about Smart Metering
Enerway met Knut Gustavsen, Director of Energy Tieto in Norway at the Smart Metering 2010 Scandinavia in Copenhagen.
This interview covers a short presentation of Tieto and what they are planning for the future within the Smart Metering area. In opposite to many utilities and companies working with Smart Metering, Tieto believes that the end customers won’t be very active on saving energy themselves by using In-home displays et cetera. According to research made by Tieto experts, the future consumers needs services, third party vendors or suppliers and IT systems that can guide and help the energy consumers to save energy and to use the energy in a smart and effective way.
Tieto thinks that households and offices in the future will become Prosumers which means that they will produce energy as well as they will consume energy. The Prosumers will need systems that can help them to produce and consume as smart as possible as well as they need systems that can monitor and control their buildings.
For more information about Tieto, visit